Friday, April 16, 2010

Wildflower Walk

What is the most unusual wildflower that you read about?
What are some of the common names of the flowers and what do the names mean?


  1. 1.Skunk Cabbege
    2.Shoting stars, because they look like shoting stars.

  2. 1 the skunk cabbage.

    2 there is only one name for the skunk cabbage and it is called that because it smells horrible.

  3. The Shooting stars. Some of the common names are Cranesbill,Starshower, and daimond-sparks. the names are called that because it grows to 2 feet and sends up flower spikes in late spring they also have backwards pointing petals. I chose this flower because it has spikes on it and its tall and very cool

  4. The most unusual wildflower I read about was Skunk Cabbage. It was the strangest because it gives off a distinct smell that smells really bad. It also looks very different from most of the wildflowers. Instead of having pedals it has a single leaf. Some of the common names for this wild flower is Symplocarpus foetidus, and Lysichiton americanus. These names just tell where the plant is located.

  5. My flower that I chose is called SKUNK CABBAGE. The reason I chose this plant actually produces enough heat to melt snow around it, this uniqe plant grows in swampy areas, it doesnt have petals it has leaves. Other names for this plant are:

    Symplocarpus foetidus, grows in eastern North America
    Lysichiton americanus, grows in western North America
    Lysichiton camtschatcense, grows in eastern Asia
    Skunk Cabbage is called this because it smells so much like a skunk.

  6. The wierdest flower i read about was the skunk cabbage because if you can get close enough, take a sniff. Whew! Does this plant stink? You've just encountered skunk cabbage. It lives in marshy land. Some of the plants i read about where the bloodroot it means perennial woodland native of North America having a red root and red sap and bearing a solitary lobed leaf and white flower in early spring. another one was Shooting star it means shooting star because of its shape.

  7. the most un unusal plant that was there was the blood root the reson it is called blood root is because its lower stem is bloody red and the if you sqeezs it a orange paste will come out that the natives used as a die for the baskets that they made back tnen.and some comen names are Sanguinaria canadensis. and why i pic this plant is because red is my faverot coler and red puccoon root,pauson and finally but not least tetterwort and there all mean the same thing.

  8. The most unusual plant that I read about was the Skunk Cabbage. I thought this was a strange plant because it can generate enough heat itself to melt snow that is around it. It also has a very foul odor. Which makes sense, given the name "Skunk" Cabbage. The stinky odor attracts bees, flies, and gnats which pollinate it.
    Instead of having petals, it has a one leaf like looking spathe, called a "spathe". The spathe is hood shaped and maroon with greenish yellow streaks through it. The "spadix" is protected by the spathe. The spadix is fleshy and club shaped. But it's also very odd because instead of petals, it is covered in tiny flowers that make it look fuzzy.
    The Skunk Cabbage has three varietys, the Western Skunk Cabbage, Eastern Skunk Cabbage, and the Asian Skunk Cabbage.
    Western Skunk Cabbage: (Lysichiton americanus, Yellow Skunk Cabbage and Swamp Lantern.)
    Eastern Skunk Cabbage: (Symplocarpus foetidus, Clumpfoot Cabbage, Foetid Pothos, Meadow Cabbage, Polecat Weed, Skunk Cabbage, or Swamp Cabbage)
    Asian Skunk Cabbage: ( Lysichiton camtschatcens) It grows in eastern Asia.
    All of these get their beacuse of the smell. Skunks don't smell good, which is where the skunk name comes from. Cabbage comes from how they do not have any true petals, but leaves that are big and somewhat wide.

  9. The most unusual wild flower i read about as the shooting star. Some of common names were the Crainesbill, Star shower and diamond-sparks. They got the name "Dodecatheon," Latin for twelve gods. During the day, shooting stars are scartted everywhere in fields in late spring, and they grow up to 2ft. the reason why i picked this flower because i thought i was cool looking and the name is weird.

  10. Hepatica is the most unusual plant i raed about.This plant gets its name from the Latin word for liver, hepaticus. That's because the leaf shape looks kind of like the human liver. Found in the woods when trees are still leafless, hepatica is a sure sign of spring. The leaves of this plant hug the ground and the pink, lavender-blue, or white flowers bloom from April-May. The other names for it are hepatica, liverleaf, or liverwort.
    liverwort- genus of spring flowers.

  11. 1. What is the most unusual wildflower that you read about?
    Can you imagine a plant that smells like a skunk? Well there is one and it lives in eastern North America! The plant is about 10-15 cm. tall and a maroon color. The skunk cabbage is usually the first flower to bloom in the spring; it blooms through the snow and mud. But, what is very unusual about it is that it smells like a skunk, this smell attracts birds, bees, and insects, which then pollinate it.
    2. What are some of the common names of the flowers and what do the names mean?
    Eastern Skunk Cabbage, Clumpfoot Cabbage, Foetid Pothos, Meadow Cabbage, Polecat Weed, Skunk Cabbage, or Swamp Cabbage. The names are just names that people started calling them.

  12. The most unusual wild flower was the Bloodroot. Its other name is Sanguinaria canadensiswich means blood red. I picked this plant because the stem is filled with a liquid that is red-orange and was used as dye by natives
